Promoting quality in academics, research & administrationProf. Anand K. Kondapi
Director & Member Secretary, and
Senior Professor, Department of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics
Prof. P. Thirumal
Associate Director-I, and
Professor, Department of Communication
Prof. K.K. Kailash
Associate Director-II & Ranking Coordinator, and
Professor, Department of Political Science
Guidelines for the creation of the IQAC

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established in the year 2009 at the University of Hyderabad to ensure and promote quality aspects in the overall functioning of the University.
The main objective of IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent, and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of the University in delivering higher education. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, a dedicated and active IQAC review and recommends holistic measures towards promoting academic excellence.
Goals and Objectives
The University of Hyderabad got its first accreditation by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in 2001 with a five-star rating. Subsequently, the university got re-accredited two more times in 2008 and 2014 with an improved status of ‘A’ grade. Further, as a result of the consistent delivery of quality higher education, the university is recognized as an Institution of Eminence (IoE) in 2019. With this enhanced status and responsibility, the goal of IQAC is to pursue quality in all the aspects of academic excellence in fostering national needs.
The objectives of IQAC are:
- To develop a system for conscious, consistent, and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the University.
- To promote measures of quality enhancement for the effective functioning of the University by creating quality consciousness among stakeholders and promoting best practices.